This window is used to split the displayed asset in order to generate 1 to n additional assets.
It is called from the Actions menu in the Assets management function.

The description of this window and the splitting conditions described in this documentation apply only when the asset has at least two physical elements linked to it or two expenses and a physical element. If this is not the case, refer to documentation Splitting a fixed asset.

..\FCT\SEEINFO It is possible to split an asset if it possesses at least one of the following characteristics:
- it is Inactive,
- its holding type is In template,
- has been the object of an active actual issue,
- it is in the process of an intra-group transfer,


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This window is made up of a header displaying the identification of the asset for information purposes as well as the following three tabs:

  • The Setups tab is used to enter the asset splitting setups, then to view the assets generated as a result of the split.
  • The tab Linked expenses, displays the expenses attached to the asset.
  • The tab Physical elements displays first the list of physical elements attached to the asset before the split and second the distribution of physical elements in the fixed assets coming from the split.
    It makes it possible to distribute via right click the assets in the physical elements in following cases:
     - when the split is made by expense,
    - When the split is made by physical element and that the number of fixed assets generated does not match the number of physical elements.



The header displays the reference as well as the description of the asset to be split. This information cannot be modified.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Business object

  • Reference (field OBJREF)

Reference of the financial asset to split.

  • Description (field OBJDES)

Description of the financial asset to split.



Tab Setups


This tab is used to:

  • To specify the date of the split (this date, which is mandatory, is loaded by default with the current date) as well as the reason that justifies the split for the asset.
  • To set up the terms of the split by specifying:
    - if the splitting is done by physical element, by pending entry or by expense,
    - by entering the number of assets expected at the end of the splitting,
    - by specifying the numbering type to apply to the assets coming from the splitting.
  • To apply the process in order to view the result: list of assets arising from the split and the situation of the split financial asset at the end of process.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Split date (field MVTDAT)

This field is used to enter the transaction date. This mandatory date is displayed in the corresponding event(s).

Movement type

Select the receipt movement type for which an exception is to define to the valuation method.

This field displays the company management currency, as a reminder.

This field displays the IFRS currency in the IAS depreciation plan for a company.

Physical split

  • Method (field SPLELT)

Radio button used to specify if the splitting must be carried out by Physical element, by Movement on hold or by Expense.
According to the situation of the asset, a selection can be imposed or forbidden. See the documentation concerning the function Distribute an asset with physical elements

  • In (field NBFAS)

This field is used to indicate the total number of assets obtained at the end of the split (including the original asset).

  • If the physical split is carried out by physical element, the number of assets has for value, by default, the number of physical elements associated to the asset but this value can be modified by a lower value.
  • If the split is carried out by movement on hold, the number of assets is automatically determined. It corresponds either to the physical elements waiting for movement, if all the elements are waiting for movements; or to the number of physical elements waiting for movement +1, if there are elements which are not waiting for movements.
  • If the split is carried out by distribution of expenses, it must correspond to the number of expenses associated to the asset.
  • Amount to allocate (field SPLAMTTYPB)

This field is used to specify the type of amount to distribute.

Asset before

  • Quantity (field QTYBEF)
This is the quantity linked to the financial asset to be split before the actual splitting. This information cannot be modified.
  • Amount (field SPLAMTBEF)

It is the amount of the financial asset to split before the splitting operation.
Non modifiable information.

Asset after

  • Quantity (field QTYAFT)
This is the residual quantity of the split asset once the splitting is complete. This information cannot be modified. 
  • Amount (field SPLAMTAFT)

It is the amount of the finanial asset to split at the end of the splitting operation.
Non modifiable information.

Numbering for split

  • Numbering (field TYPNUM)

This field is used to indicate the numbering method to use on the assets created by the split.
Several options are available:

  • None means that the reference of the assets coming from the split will have to be entered. The Increment field cannot be accessed then.
  • Addition of a numeric increment means that the number will be determined by the number of the asset at the origin of the split to which the value determined by the Increment entered will be added.
  • New number means that the reference of each asset stemming from the split will be automatically determined if the automatic numbering is mandatory. If it is optional, the reference can be entered.
  • Increment (field LIGINC)
This field is used to define the increment number applied to the source asset reference in order to generate the references of the financial assets created by the split.
It can only be entered if the Numbering for split field is set to: Add a numeric increment.   

Grid Generd assets

  • Reference (field AASREF)

This group box is managed through the setup of the Numbering for split field.

  • If the field is set to None, the group box must be filled.
  • If the field is set to New Number, the entry of the reference is optional when the automatic numbering is optional, and prohibited when the automatic numbering is mandatory.
  • It is also prohibited when the field is set to By line number increment.
  • Description (field AASDES1)

The description of the created financial asset automatically takes the value of the splitd asset. It can be modified.

  • Quantity (field AASQTY)

Quantity allocated to the generated asset at the end of the splitting.
This quantity is automatically determined by default according to the quality of the original asset and the distribution type.
See the documentation concerning the Distribute an asset having physical elementsfunction.

  • Amount (field SPLAMT)

Amount allocated to the asset coming from the splitting.
This amount is automatically determined according to the amount of the original asset and the type of splitting.
See the documentation concerning the function Distribute an asset with physical elements.



Setup of the split

First stage

 The first stage consists in specifying the splitting method. This means defining if the splitting takes place by the distribution of the physical elements, by the distribution of the physical elements or by the distribution of the attached expenses, then by specifying the total number of assets expected at the end of the splitting (this quantity includes the asset that is the original of the splitting).
Depending on the situation of the asset (number of attached expenses for instance), the splitting mode and the number of assets coming from the asset can be imposed and thus it will not be possible to enter anything freely.

1/ Splitting by physical element
  • By default, the program proposes to create an asset by physical element attached, no matter if the physical elements have or not pending entries.
    In this case, the amount is distributed equally on each of the assets but it is possible to modify it.
    When the quantity on the asset to split does not match the number of physical elements, this quantity is reused on each of the created assets.
    If the quantity on the asset to split matches the number of physical elements attached, the quantity on the split asset and on each of the assets coming from the splitting takes the value 1.
    When an expense is attached to the asset, this expense is split in order to have one expense by asset with an amount matching that of the asset.
  • It is however possible to choose the number of assets generated by the split. The entered number must be inferior or equal to the number of physical elements attached.
    In this case, it is necessary to assign manually the assets attached to the physical elements at the level of the Physical elements tab.
    When the quantity on the asset to split does not match the number of physical elements, this quantity is reused on each of the created assets.
    If the quantity on the asset to split matches the number of physical elements attached, the quantity on the split asset and on each of the assets coming from the splitting corresponds to the number of physical elements attached to the asset.
     In this case, the button  becomes available as soon as the physical elements are attached to the assets. It is used to recalculate the amounts of the assets generated depending on the quantities.
 2/ Splitting by pending entry

..\FCT\SEEINFO This type of splitting is authorized only if at least one of the physical elements attached to the asset has pending entries.

The splitting is carried out automatically as follows:

  • If the asset is also attached to physical elements without pending entries:
    - the split asset is automatically attached to these elements with no pending entry.
    - as many assets are created as there are physical elements with pending entries.
  • If all physical elements have pending entries, the asset is split into as many assets as there are elements - 1, so that at the end of the split, each physical element is attached to an asset.
  • When the quantity on the asset to split does not match the number of physical elements, this quantity is reused on each of the created assets, otherwise the quantity corresponds to the number of physical elements attached to the asset.
  • The distribution of amounts on each asset is made in proportion with the number of elements attached to the asset.
  • 3/ Splitting by expense

      ..\FCT\SEEINFO This type of splitting is authorized only if the asset is attached at least to 2 expenses and 1 physical element. In this particular case, this is the only type of splitting authorized.
      When onlyone expense is attached, the expense amount is distributed over the various assets created upon splitting by physical element, so that at the end of the splitting, each asset has an expense attached with an amount matching that of the asset.

      The splitting is carried out as follows:

      • The program creates automatically and in all cases one asset by expense. It is then the responsibility of the user to attach manually the physical elements to the assets. This operation is carried out at the level of the tab Physical elements.
        Note: all the physical elements must be attached to an asset, but some assets cannot have physical elements attached to them.
      • The amount of generated assets corresponds to the amount of the associated expense.
      • When the quantity on the asset to split does not match the number of physical elements, this quantity is reused on each of the created assets, otherwise the quantity corresponds to the number of physical elements attached to the asset.

    Second stage

      The second stage consists setting up the numbering method to be applied to the assets arising from the split. Several options are available:

      • None signifies that no automatic numbering is applied. The reference will therefore need to be entered by the user at the level of the Generated assets table. The Increment field cannot be entered.
        This option is not available if the automatic numbering has been defined as being mandatory (ASSAUTNUM setup).
      • Add a numeric increment means automatically assigning a reference identical to that of the original asset with the addition of an Increment for which a value must be entered.
      • New number means that a new reference will be assigned to each of the assets arising from the split. This reference is automatically generated during the entry of the split for the original asset and cannot be entered if the automatic numbering is defined as being mandatory (ASSAUTNUM setup). If the automatic numbering is defined as being optional, the reference of the new assets can be entered in the Generated assets table.
        The New number option is only available if a sequence number counter has been assigned to the Financial asset object in the setups (see the Sequence number counter assignment documentation.

    Setting up the splitting

    The splitting processing for the asset is started by using the button .

    Its effect is to load:

    • The Quantity and Amount information after the split of the original asset.
    • The Generated asset table with as many lines as assets created.

    For each of the assets, the information is entered in the following fashion:

    Reference: as a function of the setup carried out at the level of the Numbering for the split field, the reference can be entered automatically or must be entered.

    Description: the description of each of the assets generated is automatically loaded with that of the original asset. It is freely modifiable.

    Quantity: the quantity determined for each of the assets is a function of the type of split. See the detail above, at the level of the Split setup paragraph.

    Amount : the type of amount corresponds to that selected by the user in the splitting setups.
    - The amount calculated for each of the assets is a function of the type of split. See the detail of the calculation above at the level of the Setup of the split.
    This amount, compared with that of the original asset before the split, is used to determine a ratio used to calculate the distribution of the other asset amounts.
    The +/- sign for the Ex-tax amount for each of the lines must be identical to the sign of the Ex-tax amount of the asset to be split.
    - An asset generated by split can have an amount equal to zero.

    Rules linked to the fields of the type Amount:

    - The VAT amounts - VAT collected for the asset, from its depreciation plans and its events - are distributed on the basis of the ratio obtained between the amounts of each of the generated assets and the amount of the original asset before the split.

    - the Free fields of the type Amount are distributed if the setup of the Properties of the free fields allows it.

    Rules linked to the status of the generated assets:

    The status of these assets is a function of that of the original asset:

    --> Splitting of an asset with the status Autonomous

    The assets arising from the split of an asset whose status is Autonomous will have the status Autonomous and will have no link to the original asset.

    --> Splitting of an asset with the status Principal

    The asset arising from the split of an asset whose status is Principal will have the status Component and will be attached to this principal asset.

    --> Splitting of an asset with the Component status (or component waiting attachment)

    The assets coming from the split of an asset which status is Component (or Component waiting attachment), will have the same status and will be linked to the same principal asset, if the link to a principal asset exists.

    Impact on the events

    All the events linked to the original asset are transferred to the generated assets. The amounts are split and re-calculated on the same splitting bases as the asset.

    Tab Depreciation plans


    This tab presents the list of expenses attached to the asset. No action is possible from this tab.
    - When only one expense is attached to the asset, only one split by physical element can be performed. Upon splitting, the amount of the expense is distributed over the various assets created and at the end of the splitting, an expense by asset is created.
    - When several expenses are attached to the asset, only one splitting by expense is possible, no matter what is the number of physical elements attached to the asset.



    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Grid Linked expenses

    • Selection (field SELFLG)

    This check box cannot be accessed when splitting an asset with physical elements.
    It is used in the event of a split by distribution of the expenses to select those to be linked to the generated asset. Refer to the documentation on the Splitting function.

    • P (field MAIFLG)

    This non-editable indicator specifies whether the expense is the principal expense of the source asset.
    After the split the principal expense remains linked to the source asset.

    • Reference (field CODLOF)
    Reference of the expense linked to the asset to be split.
    • Line number (field LINLOF)

    This field reminds the user of the line number of the expense.

    • Description (field OBJDES)
    Description of the expense linked to the asset to be split.
    • Quantity (field QTY)
    Quantity carried by the expense linked to the asset to be split.
    • Amt for split (field SPLAMT)
    Amount carried by the expense linked to the asset to be split.
    • Free field 1 amount before (field USRFLD1B)


    • Free field amount 1 (field USRFLDM1)



    Tab Technical


    This tab displays as reminder the list of physical elements attached to the asset before splitting it.

    It is also used to distribute after the split the physical elements on the fixed assets arising from the split:

    • by physical element, when the required number of generated assets does not correspond to the number of physical elements attached to the original asset,
    • by expense.

    The attachment of generated assets is performed by right click selection at the level of each physical element.




    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Grid Physical assets before

    • Reference (field PHYREFDEB)

    Reference of the physical element assigned to the asset to split.

    • Description (field PHYDES1)

    This field contains the main description of the physical element.

    • Pending mvt (field MVTATT)

    This field, that cannot be modified, contains the icon..\FCT\FASPHY_03.jpg to specify that the physical element is waiting for a movement.

    Asset before

    • Quantity (field QTYBEF)
    This is the quantity linked to the financial asset to be split before the actual splitting. This information cannot be modified.
    • Amount (field SPLAMTBEF)

    It is the amount of the financial asset to split before the splitting operation.
    Non modifiable information.

    Grid Physical assets after

    • Reference (field PHYREFFIN)

    Reference of the physical element.

    • Asset (field AASREF)

    This field is used to enter the fixed asset reference, resulting from the distribution, to assign to the physical element.

    • Description (field AASDES1)

    This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset.

    • Quantity (field AASQTY)

    Quantity allocated to the generated asset at the end of the splitting.
    This quantity is automatically determined by default according to the quality of the original asset and the distribution type.
    See the documentation concerning the Distribute an asset having physical elementsfunction.

    • Amount (field SPLAMT)

    Amount allocated to the asset coming from the splitting.
    This amount is automatically determined according to the amount of the original asset and the type of splitting.
    See the documentation concerning the function Distribute an asset with physical elements.



    Action icon

    Fixed asset selection

    The right click button makes it possible to select the asset to attach to the physical element.




    Validation of the splitting processing

    The buttonbutton is used to validate the setup carried out and to return to the original asset presented with its new values.
    The assets arising from the split will not be created in the database until after the validation. They then appear in the left list after refreshing this list using the F5 function key. They can be identified using the Entry origin field (on the Other info tab) filled with the Splitting value.

    Specific buttons

    This button is used to split the asset by applying the entered setups. The assets arising from the split are displayed in the Generated assets.

    This button can only be accessed after a splitting by physical element, when the number of assets at the end of the splitting does not correspond to the number of physical elements attached to the asset to split.
    It is used to re-calculate the amount of each of the generated assets in proportion with their quantity, that is the number of physical element attached.

    Error messages

    The only error messages are the generic ones.

    Tables used

    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation